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What is the purpose of Blogging?

Purpose Of Blogging
If you have read our last post on "What Is Blog?", Then you might think that why people do blogging?

The Simple of answer is that: 
  •  People Do Blogging because they love to write and they just want to share their knowledge with others!
  • Some people do blogging because they want to earn through it.
  • Some do blogging to promote their products.
  • Every one has it's own reason.

Different people have different reasons that why they blog.

That's why we can say:
It's Like your diary. You can write anything on it and can attracts the readers to read your stuff

Blogs are extremely useful, both to the writer and reader. The writer may have a lot of knowledge to share and the reader may want an informal way learn about a topic.

That was a small post because we don't want to go in more detail, It's clear that everyone has it's own reason. Even if you are going to make one, you should have think that what your blog would be? So if you have decided that you will make a blog then we will glad to hear from you that on which thing you are going to make a blog, you can tell us in comments.

What We Think:
We Think before you create a blog, you should think what your blog should be about?
Blogging is a great idea, if you are new to blogging. We hope you will enjoy this field.